In a true sense, crisis management training is about building capabilities, capacities, and agility, then rehearsing a plan. Our simulation exercise prepares the participating learners to develop an understanding of the typical crisis management life cycle covering: Crisis initiation, Crisis strategy and Crisis communication. Since learning from real incidents are costly so KnoWerX in collaboration with SARAS has introduced a simulated scenario, injects, and surprises. Learn the knowledge by living in the moment.

Why Crisis Simulation ?

The scenarios are built on real cases, dynamic multi media injects on game screen, hot briefing, instant result feedback, results all in a Al enabled gaming platform.

Benefits of Crisis Simulation Exercise

  • The simulators emulate real situations. Teams experience time jumps of a progressive crisis.
  • The message center delivers diverse situation inputs, through multi-media injects.
  • Crisis response begins with a robust strategic approach that drives the crisis response approach.
  • Role players respond to unique role-specific situations.
  • Crisis roles are a good test of teaming up the response success. Crisis communication drafts, media strategy, and a charter enable right communication during a crisis.
  • Live chats provide remote collaboration among teams while handling the crisis.
Product Recall Crisis Simulation


Crisis with Company

Global Pharma company is starting to face a crisis from a market where it committed to administer AXE vaccine, but there are reports that the vaccine is spurious. The management team of the company wants to contain and resolve the issue at the earliest.

You will be responding to the situation as the supply chain team of GP. Overall, you are expected to offer leadership, critical thinking, providing direction & guidance during emergencies. CMT recognizes the need to have shadow skills among its peers to handle situations where all members may not be available.

Your Responsibility


You will be responding to a crisis responding to the following areas

  • Initiating a response.

  • Planning a response approach.

  • Managing crisis command center.

  • Crisis communication.

  • Stand down the crisis.

How To PLAY?

As a team, you will be responding to an emerging crisis by designing your response covering the entire supply chain. The progressive rounds will provide more detailed updates and expect you to manage the supply chain challenges effectively


  • Practical learning and validated practices in crisis response.

  • Response maturity benchmark.

  • Report and certificate.

Product Recall Crisis Simulation

  • Fully automated simulation on a software
  • Instant access to reports and performance
  • Learn the best practices through collaborative gaming approach
Participants Duration
Team of 3 Participants 4 HOURS – 3 progressive round of crisis (alert, aggression, stand-down).

Upcoming Event

Product Recall Crisis Simulation

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